Monday, June 29, 2015

Fourth of July!! 2015!!

I just can't help saying it..."TIME IS FLYING BY"!!  I mean July..really.  Oh and can you say "Hot as Hell"! Man the heat came on this year, early and with an make you sweat! But I am swallowing all my words, cuz I love Florida, and I really do love the heat, because the alternative is the COLD!! UH no LOL
Looking forward to the Fourth, invited to some parties, and will head down to the Beach to watch Fireworks over the Ocean with the Family. Honestly I could watch them all night, even the ones going off in driveways and being set off in the streets..just all good..even the Sulfur's just so exciting!  I love wearing the glowstick necklaces, last year I got the glow earrings! Now this year I've got the Bracelets and the big dome rings! Ooo gunna  be fun!  I'll also put some on my bike, just weave in the wheels and wrap the handlebars...yeah I'm a kid!!
Just finished decorating My Mantel for 2015! And the theme is "Celebrating with Fireworks"!

Does it look like Fireworks exploding!
The only Memory that I really have of California, My Birth State, Is attending the Fireworks over the Pacific Ocean! I had to of been maybe Three years old, Mom had sat me on a stone wall, and the Fireworks began, I've never heard them as loud as those were , and the Roar of the Pacific is like no other! I grabbed her slacks and held on so tight! Scared..but couldn't take my eyes off that glorious site! When it was over I looked up to see My Moms face, and soon found out the slacks I held onto was not my Moms!! A total stranger!! LOL  I didn't even realize that someone else had sat down next to me..Wow to be mesmerized like that again.. So that must have been my first falling in love with all that sparkle!
When we lived in England they had a Firework that was called a Catherine's Wheel, it looked like a spiral, kinda like the mosquito repellents we got at the Drive-ins to light in the car. Well these you nailed to a wall, then lit, and it spun around like mad sending out the sparkles in a gorgeous spray with every spin. My Dad would nail them to the wooden garage door. Loved Them! My other favorite is the Roman Candle! Oh Man holding that stick, just knowing all that power would be shooting out any second...squeeeee! Thunk Thunk with each burst, shooting across the yard, and up into the night sky, each a different color...magic I tell ya! One time we had ones shaped like Army Tanks, and when lit they would roll forward and shoot sparks out of their guns! Oh and who doesn't love the big fountains that explode with sparks flying up high,  and all this accompanied by  the loudest whistle in the world! Gotta cover your ears!
Ahhh..I hope you have a safe and fun Fourth of July, Celebrating Our Independence! Light a few'll be glad you did!

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